Friday, January 8, 2010

Beth's search for Fulfillment.....

FULFILLMENT: a feeling of satisfaction at having achieved your desires....

This is where the BIG question comes in.....WHAT ARE MY DESIRES? what do I really want out of life?..........
I had a conversation the other day, a repeat of one that I've had many times in the past....."what are your hobbies Beth?" they ask..."what do you want to do with your life?"..."what do you want to be when you grow up?" I am a grown up, I will be a whole 27 years old in a little over a month, and these questions still perplex me. I have no idea what I want to be, or what I want to do for the rest of my life.

THIS IS A LIE! I do know what I want...I've wanted the same thing since I was three years old. I want to have a family, I want to be a mom and take care of my children. I want to do the mundane and boring things of life on a daily basis. I want to cook dinner for my family and complain about how much laundry there is to do. I want to love my husband passionately and be loved by him, and I want to enjoy every minute of it! .... but, apparently this isn't good enough....

I've never been the kind of girl who dreamed of a career, getting up and getting dolled up every day to go to the office. It's not that I don't want to work. I find great fulfillment in doing a days work for a days pay. It's just that I believe there are more important things in life then the all mighty dollar. Like a successful family and marriage....

I have hobbies.... some may find them to be boring, but to me they bring a small sort of fulfillment...
I enjoy reading! There is nothing better then an adventure through the words of a creative mind! I dream of having a library in my home one day. Wall to wall books both entertaining and educational.
I also love cooking! The success of dominating a difficult recipe is thrilling! The best part of the process is watching someone else enjoy what you have prepared. The worst up...

I know it doesn't seem like a lot, it's not, it's only two small hobbies in comparison to my sisters amazing abilities to sew, cook, scrapbook, paint, photography, cross stitch, and still keep up with her family... it seems a little overwhelming to take on all of that.

WHERE WAS I GOING WITH ALL OF THIS......oh, yes, I am on a search to find fulfillment... I want to discover new adventures and new hobbies and new talents.... I hope you will join me on this journey...


  1. So, have you found any new hobbies, or adventures yet? It seems that every time I get a bit complaisant, the Lord picks me up and puts a grand challenge/adventure in my path. I've learned so many things that have kept life interesting for me. Keep an eye out, cause something could just come and smack you in the forehead!)

  2. Not yet, but I'm keeping my eyes open... you are very creative. Do you have any suggestions for something I could try?
