Monday, May 24, 2010

"That Ye May Be Filled With Love" Alma 38:12

I've chosen to spend some time today studying the Law of Chastity. One of my favoriet quotes on the subject is as follows...

"Bridle is the word that wise father Alma used in counseling his son Shiblon, and the promise he attached is the key to understanding. 'Bridle your passions, that ye may be filled with love.' BRIDLING increases strength, increases power, increases love. There are absolutely two ways you can controll a horse. One is to kills it; the other is to bridle it. Alma never said kill your passions. The implication is not that passions are evil, that we shouldn't have them. On the contrary, we bridle something we love, who's power we respect. A horse is stronger then a man, so a man bridles it thus controlling it's power and using that power for good. Passions are stronger then we are, so we bridle them thus controlling their power and using that power to strengthen a marriage and forge it into eternity. REMEMBER, a physical relationship is simply to beautiful to squander, to wonderful to waste. It is the sterling silver to PRECIOUS to tarnish before the beauty of the banquet." Paul H. Dunn

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to share this with my yw. Good qoute and one I've never heard before.
