Thursday, July 3, 2014

Day 3:  I keep hearing the first three days are the hardest.  THIS one day three was the worst by far.  I still wasn't feeling hungry, but my headache was so intense I would classify it as a migraine.  It hurt so bad my teeth hurt and my stomach was rolling, I almost threw up on three different occasions.  If every day on this diet was like day three I would give up on being healthy. LOL! 
The hot chocolate is one of my favorite meals.  A tip for it tho, don't make it per instructions on packet. I did the first time and it was lumpy and weird, this time I heated my water first and then mixed in the packet at it was much better! 
This picture looks a lot like dog food to me, but it was actually really tasty.  It was Ground turkey meat cooked with green peppers, and zucchini and yellow squash. I used ketchup as my optional condiment. 

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